Leadership Training & Development Programs

Your success as a leader comes not from what you do but from the reflected glory of the people you lead. — JACK WELCH

Leadership development is a supportive, thought-provoking and engaging service designed to help leaders grow.  Leadership coaching is provided by our senior coaches, who have each been successful business leaders in their own right, ranging from entrepreneurs to executives and CEO’s.  Additionally, they have a talent and passion for leadership development.

While there is not a single right way to approach professional or personal growth, there is an optimal approach for each individual, which is a highly personalized endeavor. A focus on leadership development will help you to define your desired areas of growth as a leader and chart an action plan with concrete goals and measures for success to achieve those goals.

Areas of Impact:

  • Designing Your leadership
  • Building Relationships
  • Influencing Others
  • Playing & Thinking Bigger

Designing Your Leadership Approach

Our leadership development service is an excellent forum to create a vision for your leadership and to assess where you are today relative to that vision.  Leadership coaching will help you to take that vision and self-awareness and put it into a meaningful plan of action.  A leadership coaching action plan often includes establishing new habits and ways of thinking.  Leadership development is a source for feedback and ideas as well as an accountability-net for succeeding in new commitments.

Building Key Relationships

A popular topic for leadership coaching is improving important professional relationships and making inroads to establish new ones.  There are a variety of reasons a person may want to focus on relationship building.  For example, a recently promoted technical expert needs to rely more on people skills due increased management responsibilities.  Or a leader struggles to work with difficult personalities.  Leadership coaching will help you develop new leadership and communication strategies to navigate circumstances such as these effectively.

Influencing Others

Leaders need to convey their ideas and objectives in a way that is compelling to others.  A focus on leadership development is an ideal forum to crystalize and practice the messages you need to promote to your team, colleagues and organization. Leadership coaching provides a platform to develop and practice communicating your imperatives. This is often accomplished through creative methods such as story telling as a leadership influence tool.

Playing & Thinking Bigger

It is common knowledge that in order to grow we need to take risks and become more proficient operating outside of our comfort zones.  Leadership coaching will help you to identify your desired areas of growth and to operationalize them through stretch goals that expand your leadership capacity.

For example, a recently promoted technical expert needs to rely more on people skills due increased management responsibilities.  Or a leader struggles to work with difficult personalities.  Leadership coaching will help you develop new leadership and communication strategies to navigate circumstances such as these effectively.

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